Above Captains In Military Abbr

Above Captains in the Military

In the military, rank is a system of hierarchical authority and responsibility used to assign roles and duties within an organization. As you rise in rank, the responsibilities and authority assigned to you also increase. Captains are the highest rank of officers in the military, but there are positions above them.


Majors are the first rank above captains. They are typically in charge of a battalion of several hundred soldiers. They are responsible for the overall welfare and operational readiness of the unit they oversee. Majors are also responsible for managing the career paths of their officers, including captains.

Lieutenant Colonels

Lieutenant colonels are the next rank above majors. They usually lead a regiment of several thousand soldiers. They also serve as the executive officer for the commanding officer of the unit. In addition, lieutenant colonels are often responsible for overseeing the training and readiness of their unit.


Colonels are the highest rank of officers in the military, above lieutenant colonels. They are typically in charge of a brigade of several thousand soldiers. They are responsible for the overall mission readiness of their unit and for the welfare of the troops under their command. Colonels may also be responsible for managing the career paths of the officers in their unit.


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